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Premier League audiences continue to rise

 Sports events    7/17/2019  Print
Premier League audiences continue to rise
Premier League audiences continue to rise
July 17, 2019 11.29 Europe/London By Julian Clover
The international popularity of the Premier League has contributed to a rise in audiences during the 2018/19 season.
Using audience information collated from international markets, research agency Nielsen Sports has calculated cumulative audiences for live Premier League programming rose 11 per cent to 1.35 billion.
A cumulative audience of 3.2 billion watched the action between August 2018 and May 2019, an increase of six per cent on the previous season.
The figures are only for standard in-home viewing and exclude out-of-home and viewing on mobile devices.
Only in Afghanistan, Moldova, Turkmenistan, North Korea and Cuba was coverage not available.
There were 262,102 hours of Premier League coverage broadcast around the world last season, reaching 1.03 billion homes for all broadcast types.
The household reach for live coverage only was 978 million homes.